Friday 11 October 2019

OUW002 : Dominique Maes, Jean-Pierre Jonckheere / Bestiaire de mon jardin secret

Cover art by Dominique Maes

OUW002 : Dominique Maes, Jean-Pierre Jonckheere / Bestiaire de mon jardin secret

Second release on the new (Un)spoken words, 'Bestiaire de mon jardin secret' is a collection of 21 texts full of humour about animals running in the secret garden of Dominique Maes. 
Born in 1957, to this day still alive and working every day to be even more. 
Writer, draftsman, clarinetist, he is also the generous director of the Poetics Grand Drug Store, a store of imaginary products. 
He is a member of the music group "Camping Palace Orchestra".


Jean-Pierre Jonckheere from Les Boucles Absurdes (see also OPV007 and OPV010) adds all the background music which typically matches perfectly the little poetry behind all the tracks. 
There are 3 pure instrumentals as well that give some space between all the texts. Dominique plays all the bass clarinets on the tracks. A discovery if you enjoy French speaking!

As Dominique says it: "Enter the secret garden. Dare to lose yourself, it's worth it. You will come out more alive. And you will then return, from time to time, when the need arises.
You will meet philosophical animals, tender, desperate, cruel, implacable as life, sweet as the moments of ephemeral joy that must have the art of taste when they
Stroll in the woods, the meadow or on the beach. The bestiary is infinite and happiness can arise under a simple dead leaf. All you have to do is find your gift of wonder."

Dominique and Jean-Pierre

Digital release on the 11th of October 2019.

Track listing:

1: Introduction
2: Le jardin secret
3: Le canard
4: Le Pinguin
5: Le loup
6: La valse
7: La truite
8: Le sanglier
9: La bête
10: Le moineau
11: Le requin
12: L'éléphant
13: L'oie
14: Klezmer
15: Le rhinocéros
16: L'hippopotame
17: Le poulpe
18: Les musaraignes
19: Lhassa
20: Le scolopendre
21: La crevette
22: Le cochon d'Inde
23: Le tyrannosaure
24: La barrière

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