Tuesday 30 June 2020

ODG132 : Jürgen Augusteyns / Bilderdämmerung

Cover art by Jürgen Augusteyns

ODG132 : Jürgen Augusteyns / Bilderdämmerung

Jürgen (see also ODG108 and ODG109) made this EP after a visit at the Dachau concentration camp. The 4 tracks resonate like the interaction between the place itself and the history of the place. 

In Jürgen's words:
"Bilderdämmerung is inspired by both a visit to the Dachau concentration camp and by the painting “Gaskamer” (1986) by Luc Tuymans.
Solemn and sterile the painting perfectly encompasses the overwhelming weight that I felt when in that particular place myself.
The title refers to a text by Stephan Berg from the book “Luc Tuymans - The Arena”. 

Much in the same way that Tuymans is incapable of portraying the worst aspects of human history, neither can I translate it into music.  
The worst is by its very nature always unimaginable and the moment in which the unimaginable occurs is pristine in its horror; no representation can come close. 
It would be perversely pretentious and plainly impossible to create a rendition of what happened there and then. Instead, “Bilderdämmerung” is an endeavour to take the listener to that place of unspeakable dread and an attempt to evoke what I felt when I was there.

Headphones are highly recommended."

A video for Versteintert. The timing of the track - 4:29 - is a reminder that the camp was liberated on the 29 of April 1945.

Digital release on the 30th of June 2020.

Track listing:

1: Eingang (resonanz 1) - 8:20
2: Brausebad (resonanz 2) - 10:18
3: Einschlag (resonanz 3) - 8:04
4: Versteinert (resonanz 4) - 4:29

A Bandcamp only release:

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