Friday 24 July 2020

OJP049 : Alinovsky - John Americus Witt - Itachi Mode / Music for Robert Edwin exhibition

Cover art by A.L., painting by Robert Edwin

OJP049 : Alinovsky - John Americus Witt - Itachi Mode / Music for Robert Edwin exhibition

Robert Edwin was first best known as a musician. He released 2 albums, a compilation and an EP (see OCD008ODG006ODG027 and OJP016) with his unique style of compositions full of humour, crazy rhythms, heavy guitars and Japanese romanticism! 

He then switched to painting using only but ball pens. First only in black and white little drawings then expending using also colour ones in larger pieces. 
Some of his pieces can take 4/5 months in the making.

As he is going to have a large exhibition in Tokyo in September and had an introduction video ready, he asked Alinovsky to make some music for it.
The club version was a bit too powerful for the gallery so another more ambient track was made and is the one that goes with the video.

Alinovsky asked later to 2  musician friends if they wanted to try some remix.

Here you are then with the club version of John Americus Witt (USA, see ODG102ODG115 and OUC026) and the ambient version of Itachi Mode (Japan, see OJP037 and OJP040).

The video:

And the video in situ:

Digital release on the 24th of July 2020.

Track listing:

1: Edwin exhibition ambient (Alinovsky)
2: Edwin exhibition club (Alinovsky)
3: Edwin exhibition club (John Americus Witt Remix)
4: Edwin exhibition ambient ( Itachi Mode Remix)

Player with links to digital providers here under:

or if easier for you choose direct links here under:
Itunes: Here
Spotify: Here
Google Play Music: Here
Tidal: Here
Qobuz: Here

And on Bandcamp:

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