Friday 7 June 2024

OUI037 : Daniele Morelli - Miguel Alzerreka / Agua


Cover art by Daniele Morelli

OUI037 : Daniele Morelli - Miguel Alzerreka / Agua

About the album Daniele says:

"We wanted to experiment only with guitar and vibraphone without drums and without bass. Let the sounds of these instruments try to tell stories. Me and Miguel have known each other for years as we played together in Chiapas in different projects so there was all the confidence to improvise together even without a prefixed structure.

This album is dedicated to water, to all the possible forms that water can have and we swam in the melodies of the guitar and the vibraphone, sometimes in compositions written on the spot, sometimes in free improvisations."

Daniele Morelli: guitar
Miguel Alzerreka: vibraphon

Mixed and mastered by Juan Carlos Dìaz Pacheco

Miguel and Daniele

Digital release on the ethical of June 2024.

Track listing:

1: Átomos
2: Vapor
3: Equilibrio dinamico
4: Oxígeno
5: Mar de hielo
6: Estructura cristalina
7: Hidrocanto
8: Estado amorfo

Itunes, Spotify, etc.:

And on Bandcamp:

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