Sunday 18 March 2012

Stilll SCD016 : Blaine L. Reininger - William Lee Self / The Hamburg Sessions

Stilll SCD016 : Blaine L. Reininger - William Lee Self / The Hamburg Sessions

The Hamburg Sessions

I first met William Lee Self somewhere in the uncharted darkness of the 1980’s in Brussels. I don’t remember the exact circumstances. One day the mists of my perception cleared for a moment and he was just there. I persisted in addressing him in German long after he explained to me that he was an American from Georgia who only lived in Germany and even after he asked me to stop it. Thus began a friendship which has persisted to the present day.
In about 1985 we began the first in a series of musical collaborations when he came onboard the HO model train of my solo career for a series of dates in Northern Europe. A couple years later I was similarly engaged to aid and abet the tours of his band Montana Blue. Much fun was had. Many laughs were laughed.
In the summer of 2009, at Lee’s invitation and with the encouragement of my wife Maria we joined Lee and Birgit in their aviary on Hamburg’s beautiful inner city lake the Alster for the beginning of the sessions which have resulted in this record here in your hands (or hovering before you in a 3d virtual iteration, if that is the way things will go).
For both Mr. Self and my self, this body of work has marked a most fulfilling return to songwriting and recording. We were both pleased to see that the hornED beast which compels us to toil on into the silent night crafting tunes to an end not immediately obvious still dwells within us both, though he has lately taken to wearing tweed jackets and sports a walking stick.
And thus and so, dear reader, we submit to you these, our Hamburg Sessions.
Athens, Greece 2012

The covert art is designed by Birgit Voss.
William Lee Self website:
Blaine L. Reininger website:

Released on the 27th of April digitally and in June 2012 physically.

Track listing:

1) Prelude
2) The Moment Is Now
3) World Alive
4) Constant Communication
5) The Night You Left
6) Dig Down Deep
7) Cook Book
8) Crazy Sound
9) Alster

And on Bandcamp:

You can order the cd already. The price is 12€ including worldwide shipping.
You can order also OCD001 Blaine L. Reininger / Glossolalia cd with it for 20€ including worldwide shipping!


There is also a promo EP/ 4 tracks from William Lee Self  released in digital here: