Tuesday 30 April 2024

OMT015 : SEIMO / Ebebaka


OMT015 : SEIMO / Ebebaka

SEIMO is back for the first single of his forthcoming album with a vibrant new single that reminds us of his roots and musical heritage. Backed by magistral female choirs this is an cry to the life adventure.

SEIMO is a Parisian artist originally from Kinshasa.

A fervent representative of Afropop, he writes, composes and performs innovative songs in his native language Lingala.

In this project illustrating his multiple artistic skills, the artist aspires to create a cultural bridge between Paris-Kinshasa, Africa and the world.

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Friday 26 April 2024

OVD081-OUI044 : Vansina - Verbruggen - Vervloesem / Sorry Louise couldn't come


Cover art by A.L. , pic and treatment by Pierre Vervloesem

OVD081-OUI044 : Vansina - Verbruggen - Vervloesem / Sorry Louise couldn't come

When the three best Belgian musicians starting with a V find themselves together they can only produce the best music on the spot! 

Pierre says:

"I was asked to replace a very ill Louise, bassist of Bruno Vansina trio, a few hours before the gig. Being incapable of playing the slightest jazz note we therefore improvised THIS in front of a gigantic audience who did not see the difference with the usual program. Everything is fine, you can go home now."

Improvised in a splendid way! Enjoy!

Bruno Vansina: saxes, various objects
Pierre Vervloesem: bass
Teun Verbruggen: drums

Recorded by Jean-Pierre Jonckheere 
Mixed by PV 
Thanks to Philippe Curatolo for his bass amp and handmade cabinet


Digital release on the 26th of April 2024.

Track Listing:

1: Exotic Foam Train
2: Half-Old Buddha
3: Truck-Horse
4: Time is Time
5: Seal Factory
6: The Evening Substitude
7: Overweight Mermaids

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Thursday 25 April 2024

OUI040 : Varv / Limestone


Cover art by Muto

OUI040 : Varv / Limestone

First single from the forthcoming album which will be released end of May. 
Varv, a duo composed of Andrea Cappi (keyboards) and Francesco Mascolo (drums), is a crossover project where the jazz background of the two musicians is stripped of its most classic characteristics and used to explore distant territories, blending elements of electronic and progressive music. The tracks tend to evoke vaguely dystopian realities where written and intelligible parts alternate with moments of sound manipulation and improvisation.

Andrea Cappi (keyboards and compositions): graduated in jazz piano at Parma Conservatory. Founder of MULTIBOX, FLOWN and other projects. He works in various contexts, preferring jazz and improvised music with its various forms and genre contaminations. He performs as musician and composer in various festivals and music clubs. 

Francesco Mascolo (drums): graduated in jazz drums at  Mantua Conservatory. He is active in several projects that range between contemporary jazz and crossover music. Co-founder of the SYNTAX 4et project. He regularly performs in various festivals and music clubs.

Digital release on the 25th of April 2024.

Track listing:

1: Limestone

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Friday 19 April 2024

ODG187: Unfasten Slowly / Grabbing Olivia's Purse


Cover art by Jordan Veres

ODG187: Unfasten Slowly / Grabbing Olivia's Purse

Unfasten Slowly is the nom de plume of Jordan Veres. 
Jordan is a musician/songwriter/composer/lyricist/producer, photographer, published poet, sculptor, painter/artist, and welder from the Upstate of South Carolina. 

Jordan's music tends to defy classification as he has a proclivity for blending genres such as modern composition, post-rock, sound art, sound collage, conceptual art, mixed media, avant-garde, experimental rock, dark ambient, elektro, musique concrete, musique actuelle, electro-acoustic, post-minimalism, drill 'n' bass, and experimental electronic to list just a few. 

Several artists and groups who have inspired how he writes and records include but are not limited to Fire-toolz, the Residents, Thelonius Monk, Merzbow, and Matmos.

About his album Jordan says:
"Grabbing Olivia's Purse" is very much a conceptual album. That being said, or rather written in this case, there is quite a bit to unpack. The opener, "Dr. Eamz" owes heavily to the incomparable George Carlin in that, "they call it the American dream because you have to be asleep in order to believe it." The next ditty, "The Phenomenon" is about how Trump secured the nomination for the GOP. Trump is, in fact, the Commodore (which is ironic because he dodged the draft several times because of his bone spurs.) Obviously, Donald is more crooked than a coat-hanger, and so the album goes into detail about his lack of a moral compass and his various misdeeds (including his overtly racist policies and violations of the Emoluments Clause, hence the Pop Sutters plugs peppered throughout the album.) Once Trump was given the thumbs up by the electoral college, part of me was relieved because I was under the impression that Republicans would no longer have anything to remonstrate about considering the fact that their man was in the Oval Office and that the GOP held majorities in both the House and the Senate. Needless to say, I couldn't have been more wrong. Even though the far right got what they wanted, they ended up kvetching even more (you give a mouse a cookie...) And their repining wasn't about the concerns of the working man like the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, which was directly related to Trump's policies. Rather their enmity was focused on targeting the most infra dig matters (supposed cultural wars.) And day after day, it was one scandal after another in Trump's cabinet (so much for his hiring of the best people.) There were so many major scandals that it was nearly impossible to keep up with them all. The Trump presidency was truly a joke. Then again, if you elect a clown you better expect a circus (cue "I Guess They Got What They Wanted.") And granted his tenure as president was a horrible joke, but it was a joke that did immeasurable damage. The song "His Highest Honor (In Memory of Audrie Parsons)" is about the confirmation of Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh. Brett clearly had an unscrupulous past, checkered with very plausible accusations of lascivious violence. The whole situation made me think of Audrie Plott and Rehtaeh Parsons, who were both victims of sexual assault and rape. Tragically, both girls were never able to fully recuperate from the unimaginable trauma, and before graduating from high school, they took their own lives (refer to the title of the song.) "Last Chance" is essentially a last call for everyone to get out of dodge. Transportation is an important and recurrent theme on this album. Throughout the record, there are various audio clips of rocket ships, cars, submarines, horses, planes, and trains (especially trains.) "Last Chance" is also a reminder of the moment when the administration told Americans overseas that they would not be allowed reentry to the United States due to the COVID 19 outbreak (which according to the Commander in Chief was a liberal hoax yet it could be eradicated by ingesting bleach.) What followed was complete beldam in airports worldwide as Americans rushed to get their first ticket back home. "Panda Mic'' is clearly a testament to how Trump and his team bungled the whole COVID pandemic. In this previously mentioned ditty, is a snippet from a speech by Ayn Rand who equates socialism with Nazism (which is interesting considering how most Neo-nazis belong to the far right movement, and the wall they were so adamant about building would have been funded by taxpayers which is the very definition of the term socialism.) As for the next song, I am not going to claim that I vaticinated the insurrection on January sixth, but I did record and upload “Control” before it actually happened. It was truly an ignominious and terrifying moment in our nation's history. Democracy, as we knew it, hung on by a thread thanks to a bunch of lunatics who couldn't accept the results of the election (whatever happened to their shibboleth “fuck your feelings”) and tried to stage a coup to get their cult leader back in office. (The party of law and order? Give me a break.) The last stretch of the album deals with the collapse of civilization. Those in power can not control those below because the peons realize that the law no longer applies to the politicians so why should it apply to them (so long rules for thee, but not for me.) What ensues is some facsimile of a Mad Max dystopia before the last of the Commodores' followers regroup and orchestrate one last strike that is essentially a suicide mission and ends with nuclear weapons being deployed across the globe. Those who survive the initial blasts have to deal with nuclear winter and fallout. Food and clean water become scarce and mothers can no longer produce potable milk (the reason for all the babies crying in "What Once Was.") But you need not worry, the wealthy manage to hop on an airplane that takes them to a spaceship that will find a Goldilocks planet for them to live out the rest of their days (the second and last Pop Sutters commercial you hear.) Looking back at the Earth, there remain only two things: the sun and the sea."

15 tracks to start to very slowly understand the real 'Artist' he is though 30 would have been better!


Digital release on the 19th of April 2024.

Track listing:

1: Dr. Eamz
2: The Phenomenon (Sometimes the Stars Align in All the Wrong Ways)
3: And So We Wait, Forevermore
4: Our Hero Arrives
5: Sumthing iz Afoot
6: I Guess They Got What They Wanted (A Hankering For Milk)
7: No Return Policy
8: His Highest Honor (In Memory of Audrie Parsons)
9: Last Chance (It's As Simple As That)
10: Panda Mic
11: Control (Tugging On Wires)
12: Into the Wasteland (The Desert's Foreboding/Christmas Eve/Closed Forever/The Twilight)
13: As I Have Previously Mentioned (Arnold and Gabriel)
14: What Once Was
15: The Son and the See

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Friday 12 April 2024

OUI036 : Ya Maa Diali / Ya Maa Diali

Cover art and pic by Daniele Morelli

OUI036: Ya Maa Diali / Ya Maa Diali 

A new proposal from Daniele Morelli is always a thrill. In solo, duo or here in trio, he always drives his guitar in a jazzy world approach. 
This time, teaming with an Israeli on bass and a drummer from Chiapas/ Mexico... 
On this album they present us with original compositions and 2 reinterpretations /arrangements from a traditional Egyptian and a Serbian songs. Enjoy! 

Daniele, Lat and Abraham

Daniele morelli is an Italian jazz guitarist who spends his time mostly in Mexico where he plays a lot with various formations from solo to quartet. 

He composed and released already 3 albums on Off (see also ODG047ODG147 and OUI008) and 2024 will be quite thrilling for him with 4 new albums coming every two months and starting with this one. 
When not in Mexico he spends his time in his beloved Toscana or play live in a lot of different European cities with always different formations. 

Liat Bar is a bassist originally from Israel, living in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas. 
She’s a self-taught bass player participating and accompanying a variety of local and international groups in their live performances and recordings. 


Abraham López Calderón drummer is originally from SanCristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas. He studied drums inMexico City at the DIM music school with teachers such as Beto Díaz, Hernán Hetch, Gabriel Puentes, among others. 
He has developed his drumming within jazz, rock and pop, playing in numerous festivals inside and outside Mexico. He has participated in more than 20 musical productions, such as the album "la metamorfosis » by the pop singer Reyli Barba which was nominated for the Latin Grammy 2020 and for whom he has been drumming since 2016.

Digital release on the 12th of April 2024.

Track listing:

1: Conlimon
2: Ta'aluma
3: Enta Omri
4: Puntas
5: Ajde Jano

Itunes, Spotify, etc.:

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Friday 5 April 2024

OUI031 : Eric Petzoldt - Joshua Weitzel / Post Factual Bop


Cover art by Luis Krummenacher

OUI031 : Eric Petzoldt - Joshua Weitzel / Post Factual Bop

Eric Petzoldt and Joshua Weitzel – both from Kassel, Germany – work together since 2011. Post Factual Bop is their first duo release, combining influences from electro-acoustic music, punk rock, Jazz, and Moroccan music. 

Improviser-composer-songwriter Eric Petzoldt is a musician and scholar, who interrogates the guitar and saxophone in various formats and contexts in Europe and North Africa. His academic work concentrates on the critique of interculturalism, cultural diplomacy, and jazz. He lives in Kassel and in  Rabat, Morocco. 

The work of Joshua Weitzel is based on a social understanding of art and encompasses Improvisation, electro-acoustic and experimental composition, installation art, jazz, inter-media projects, curating and art mediation. He is a member of the groups Takatsuki Trio Quartett and Tan Bone and has participated in numerous releases, concerts and exhibitions in Germany and abroad. 

Eric Petzoldt – Tenor Sax, Flute, Oud 
Joshua Weitzel – Guitar, Analog Synthesizer, Shamisen, Sampling 
Recorded in Kassel and Lohfelden, 2023. 
Mixed and Mastered by Joshua Weitzel. 

All Music by Joshua Weitzel (GEMA) and Eric Petzoldt.

Digital release on the 5th of April 2024.

Track listing:

1: Souk de Wehlheiden
2: Acknowledge the Niche
3: Obey the Lawn
4: Soft Bop
5: Synthi Bop
6: Wack Work
7: Swing in X
8: Cultural Musicology

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