Friday 24 November 2023

OVD076 : Pierre Vervloesem - Teun Verbruggen / Hit Me with Your Stochastic


Cover art by A.L.

OVD076: Pierre Vervloesem - Teun Verbruggen / Hit Me with Your Stochastic

As Pierre says: "The title says it all !".
So beat it and enjoy!

Pierre Vervloesem : Guitar, Bass
Teun Verbruggen : Drums

Jean-Pierre Jonckheere : Drums and guitar recording
Manu Ribot : Alternative tuning preparator in the kitchen
Bernard Moucheron : Landlord
Nicole Prues: Puppets master

Digital release on the 24th of November 2023.

Track listing:

1: The Wiener Process
2: Stratonovich Integral
3: Cognitive Diversity
4: Lottocracy
5: Semimartingale
6: Stochocrasy
7: Cryptography
8: Lattice Random Walk
9: Kiyoshi Itō
10: Self-organization

Itunes, Spotify, etc.:

And on Bandcamp:

Friday 17 November 2023

OJP072 : Tetsuroh Konishi / Peak Of Resonance


Covert art by Tetsuroh Konishi

OJP072: Tetsuroh Konishi / Peak Of Resonance

The new album from Tetsuroh (see all his albums and collaborations here) brings us again his typical trumpet playing and ambient electronics. 

His sound is a reflection of the grandeur and wilderness of our world. It is reaching deep inside ourselves and open the mind to new territories. 

A perfect soundtrack for a perfect soulful and peaceful landscape really needed in this end of 2023! Enjoy!

Digital release the 17th of November 2023.

Track listing:

1: The Wind Howls
2: Talk To Me
3: Calm Voice
4: Roluos
5: Over The Horizon
6: Sinking Leaf
7: Voice Of Fallen Leaves
8: Beyond The Cloud
9: Right In Front Of Me
10: Moon Snore

Itunes, Spotify, etc.:

And on Bandcamp:

Friday 10 November 2023

ODG179-OJP073 : Alinovsky x Tetsuroh Konishi / Away


Cover art by A.L.

ODG179-OJP073 : Alinovsky x Tetsuroh Konishi / Away

4 tracks made in a rainy Belgian summer in 3 days, sent to the fabulous Tetsuroh Konishi who added his trumpet (see also OJP001OJP002OJP021OJP027OJP034OJP052OJP059OJP063 and collaboration on OJP050OCD027OCD040 and OCD045)
Just a few edits and added spices and here we are with some music! 

Track 5 is a reconstruction with 2 Tetsuroh stems from track 1.

Enjoy best with headphones!

Alinovsky: keys, rhythms, percussions, electronics, editing and mixing, Bandcamp
Tetsuroh Konishi: trumpets 
Pierre Vervloesem: mastering

Digital release on the 10th of November 2023.

Track listing:

1: Won't you take me in?
2: Won't you take me up?
3: Won't you take me down?
4: Won't you take me out?
5: Won't you take me everywhere? - Bandcamp only bonus track

Itunes, Spotify, etc.:

And on Bandcamp:

Friday 3 November 2023

ODG177 : Various Artists / Apoptose 3


Cover art by A.L.

ODG177: Various Artists / Apoptose 3

Apoptose or Apoptosis in English is a genetically directed process of cell self-destruction that is marked by the fragmentation of nuclear DNA. 

See Apoptose 1 for all the details. 

The vol.3 is based on a second immature track from Alinovsky.

Musicians involved in Apoptose 3 are: 

Morgen Wurde: "Morgen Wurde" is Wolfgang Röttger's mission in creating haunting musical ambiances. He has released 3 albums of Off under this moniker (see OCD027OCD040 and OCD045).

Chris Jones: see Apoptose 1
Tetsuroh Konishi: see Apoptose 2
Lark Wool: see Apoptose 2
Wataru Iwata: Apoptose 2
OdNu: see Apoptose 1

Digital release on the 3rd of November 2023.

Track listing:

1: Apoptose 3 - Alinovsky - Generic
2: Apoptose 3 - Morgen Wurde
3: Apoptose 3 - Chris Jones
4: Apoptose 3 - Tetsuroh Konishi - Stray Cats version
5: Apoptose 3 - Lark Wool
6: Apoptose 3 - Wataru Iwata
7: Apoptose 3 - OdNu - Eliptical version

Itunes, Spotify, etc.:

And on Bandcamp: