Friday 31 July 2020

OAS012 : Nekroma / This Is Not Another Love Song

Cover art by Su Nan

OAS012 : Nekroma / This Is Not Another Love Song

Nekroma is an experimental post doom quartet based in Beijing (bio). 

While the group began as a collaboration between the bands Nakoma and the GUIGUISUISUI (see OAS001 and OAS010), Nekroma has taken on its style and identity distinct from the two bands that forged it. 
Drawing on a range of influences from all over the globe Nekroma utilizes vocals, skateboard guitar, drums, bass, electronic samples, and synths to create a backdrop for twisted fairy tales and Lovecraftian fantasies.

Live they mix theatricality akin to a silent horror film with digital painting created in real time using the groundbreaking Tagtool app and projected over the band, creating a feedback loop between sight and sound. Nekroma beckons.

Dann Gaymer: Diddly Board, lapsteel guitar, vocals, synth 
Su Nan: vocals, synth, percussion 
Nico Mazzei: bass, synth, percussion 
Linda Westman: drums on 'Introduction', 'The Tower', 'Interlude', 'Hemlock'
Kris Ruiz: drums on 'Oss', 'Krankenwagen', 'The Ocean of Eyes', 'A Whisper in the Void' 
Rudi Botes:  cello on 'Krankenwagen', 'The Ocean of Eyes', 'Hidden Passage'

All songs written Nekroma.

'Introduction', 'The Tower', 'Interlude'  'Hemlock' recorded at Fuda (Beijing, China) and Golddust Studios (Bromley, England).
Mixed and mastered by Shen at Ran Music (Beijing, China).

'Oss', 'Krankenwagen', 'The Ocean of Eyes' recorded by Wayne Riley at (Beijing, China) and Hyenaz HQ (Berlin, Germany).
Mixed and mastered by Tyron Naude (Beijing, China).

'Hidden Passage' recorded live at DDC  (Beijing, China).
'A Whisper in the Void' recorded live at 一场 Impromptu Cafe (Beijing, China).

The Ocean of Eyes:

Digital release on the 31st of July 2020.

Track listing:

1: Introduction
2: Oss
3: Krankenwagen
4: The Tower
5: Interlude
6: Hemlock
7: The Ocean of Eyes
8: Hidden Passage (Live)
9: A Whisper to The Void

or direct links here:
Itunes: Here
Spotify: Here
Tidal: Here
Qobuz: Here
7Digital: Here
Junodownload: Here

And on Bandcamp:

Wednesday 29 July 2020

OVD038 : Alinovsky / 5

Cover art by A.L.

OVD038 : Alinovsky (feat. Pierre Vervloesem) / 5

After '4' (see OVD026), this is '5'! 

Alinovsky recorded again in Merida (Yucatan) some electronic tracks using also this time some mobile recordings from Asia and a portion of a violin played by Phoebe Tsang (see OUC019) on track 4.
And again like on his album '4', Pierre Vervloesem added his genius touch of mixing, more rhythms and heavy basses. 
The result is yet another powerful dance-trance-experimental-electro-minimal house-future something! Enjoy!

A video for Merida 9 (edited by Jean-Pierre Jonckheere):

Digital release on the 28th of July 2020.

Track listing:

1: Merida 5 - For Carpenter (feat. Pierre Vervloesem)
2: Merida 6 (feat. Pierre Vervloesem)
3: Merida 7 (feat. Pierre Vervloesem)
4: Merida 8 - For Chon Po Sak (feat. Pierre Vervloesem and Phoebe Tsang)
5: Merida 9 (feat. Pierre Vervloesem)
6: Merida 10 (feat. Pierre Vervloesem)

And on Bandcamp:

Friday 24 July 2020

OJP049 : Alinovsky - John Americus Witt - Itachi Mode / Music for Robert Edwin exhibition

Cover art by A.L., painting by Robert Edwin

OJP049 : Alinovsky - John Americus Witt - Itachi Mode / Music for Robert Edwin exhibition

Robert Edwin was first best known as a musician. He released 2 albums, a compilation and an EP (see OCD008ODG006ODG027 and OJP016) with his unique style of compositions full of humour, crazy rhythms, heavy guitars and Japanese romanticism! 

He then switched to painting using only but ball pens. First only in black and white little drawings then expending using also colour ones in larger pieces. 
Some of his pieces can take 4/5 months in the making.

As he is going to have a large exhibition in Tokyo in September and had an introduction video ready, he asked Alinovsky to make some music for it.
The club version was a bit too powerful for the gallery so another more ambient track was made and is the one that goes with the video.

Alinovsky asked later to 2  musician friends if they wanted to try some remix.

Here you are then with the club version of John Americus Witt (USA, see ODG102ODG115 and OUC026) and the ambient version of Itachi Mode (Japan, see OJP037 and OJP040).

The video:

And the video in situ:

Digital release on the 24th of July 2020.

Track listing:

1: Edwin exhibition ambient (Alinovsky)
2: Edwin exhibition club (Alinovsky)
3: Edwin exhibition club (John Americus Witt Remix)
4: Edwin exhibition ambient ( Itachi Mode Remix)

Player with links to digital providers here under:

or if easier for you choose direct links here under:
Itunes: Here
Spotify: Here
Google Play Music: Here
Tidal: Here
Qobuz: Here

And on Bandcamp:

Friday 17 July 2020

OUC026 : John Americus Witt / Abyssopelagic

Cover art by Silas Plum

OUC026 : John Americus Witt / Abyssopelagic

The return of one of the most strange American composer: John Americus Witt (See also ODG102 and ODG115).

This time, he gives us 4 movements of music which are based and follow the different levels of the sea, from Sunlight to The Trenches. 
We find again his strange mix of loops, old organs and contemporary classical music. 
The music definitely gives you an impression to be balanced between the waves, the current, the flows without drowning but more like floating above the sea... quite a unique experience again with John!

Silas Plum is his moniker for his art paintings and graphics and I encourage you to visit his beautiful site here.

Digital release on the 17th of July 2020.

Track listing:

1: Epipelagic
2: Mesopelagic
3: Bathypelagic
4: Hadalpelagic

And on Bandcamp:

Friday 10 July 2020

ODG123 : Maninna Noor & Alinovsky / The Dawn of Love

Cover art by A.L.

ODG123 : Maninna Noor & Alinovsky / The Dawn of Love

Originally recorded by Alinovsky (see ODG004, ODG059OPV013 and OVD026) when working on his album '5' (soon on Off) then completely reworked by Maninna Noor (Facebook), an experimental sound and video artist living in Sweden who added voices, rhythms and more... 

Cinematic and ambient, ghostly and atmospheric... 
Stop everything you're doing, close your eyes and listen!


Digital release on the 10th of July 2020.

Track listing:

1: The Dawn of Love - Ours Ghost edit   - 6:30 min
2: In Trust We Grow Strong                     - 9,59 min

And on Bandcamp:

Friday 3 July 2020

OUW007 : Helder Wasterlain / Code mémoire - Racines de Matonge

Cover art by A.L. / Helder Wasterlain

OUW007 : Helder Wasterlain / Code mémoire - Racines de Matonge

Matonge (from the original named place in Kinshasa) is a neighborhood in Ixelles - Brussels where more than 40 African nationalities meet for an abundant lively place full of shops, restaurants, clubs, beauty salons... 
This place brings also an awful lot of characters and strange people and still has a variety of old shops run by a non less interesting persons living there before the place became like a Kinshasa market zone.

Helder Wasterlain, a Portugese writer, painter, musician living in Brussels since some years now had the idea, after wandering for hours and observing the exciting life in Matonge, to do a street walking with QR codes giving access on any phones or tablets to a number of musical texts depicting some places or people that he had encountered during his long walkings. 
Those texts are fictions but in most cases are based on existing places and people... 
Time to close your eyes, follow the stories and walk in Matonge like it was you wandering in the most colourful place in Brussels!

One of the QR code that gives you access to one of the story, in this case 'The Dealer'

Le dealerGilles Van BunnenBenjamin Ramos Contrebasse 
Un cœur faiblePascale WeinbergShabaaz Mystic Sanza
Un rêve accompliDidier DarasThomas Stadnicki Guitare électrique
Le tunnelJan DebskiRexhep Dany et Sébastiens Stroobans, du groupe Mind EchoesGuitares électriques 
Le carrefour des hommes transparentsKiùHelder Wasterlain Toy Piano
Le Roi du TAM-TAMShabaaz Mystic

Marc Derbaix Tam-Tam
I walk the lineSarah Hennecart

Pierre SpataroSaxophone

Produced, written and created by Helder Wasterlain
Pics by Helder Wasterlain
Musical direction by Benjamin Ramos
Recorded and mixed by Marc Derbaix at Cinéma Styx

Web programmation, mobile applications and APP by António Simões / Web contents management by Helder Wasterlain - António Simões

The stories in short and in French:

Le dealer

Badjoko est un dealer qui prend plaisir à faire son métier. Il le fait avec soin et professionnalisme. Il n'est pas là aux ordres de quelqu'un d'autre. C'est lui son propre patron. C’est lui le boss.

I walk the line

Au milieu de ces œuvres trône une affiche de grand format où on peut lire : <<Je suis un vieux peau-rouge qui ne marchera jamais dans une file indienne >>. La phrase est signée. Achille Chavée. J’éclate de rire : liberté et surréalisme belge dans toute leur puissance.

Le Roi du TAM-TAM

Ndingi Vunda a réparé le tam-tam. Après 3 jours, aucune nouvelle de l’inconnu. Il a attendu cinq jours, deux semaines, un mois. L'homme n'est jamais revenu. Ndingi Vunda continuait à fabriquer des tables, mais à chaque fois qu'il regardait le tam-tam rangé dans un coin de son atelier, il ressentait une attraction inexplicable. Une chaleur envahissante, un feu grandissant.

Le carrefour des hommes transparents

Il entre dans l'appartement, traverse le couloir, débouche dans une pièce sans meubles, s’approche de l’inconnue qui semble ne pas se soucier de la présence d'un étranger et regarde ce que la femme observe à travers la vitre. En bas dans la rue, il aperçoit Jan les yeux fixés sur la fenêtre. Jan observe Jan. Un des deux est devenu transparent.

Le tunnel

À l'âge de 11 ans, Fernando est devenu apprenti cordonnier, une activité quelque peu ironique, vu qu'il ne possédait pas de chaussures et qu'il marchait toujours pieds nus. C'est peut-être cette ironie qui lui a inspiré le désir de partir pour chercher fortune ailleurs. Son ami António, pour sa part, était devenu concepteur de tunnels professionnel.

Le cœur faible

Mon mari a fini par ouvrir une petite galerie d'art, la première consacrée à la peinture africaine en Belgique. Il n’y connaissait rien en art, mais son cœur l’aimait. L'art apaisait son cœur. Les couleurs lui faisaient du bien. Le Beau était bon pour lui. 

Le rêve accompli

Drogo avait décidé de devenir professeur d'Histoire car il pensait qu’enseigner cette science sociale rendait les gens plus conscients et ainsi plus libres. Pour lui, la liberté était une valeur à vivre dans le présent, un combat quotidien, pour que l’on puisse la conserver dans l’avenir.

And English:

The dealer

Badjoko is a dealer who enjoys doing his job.Hedoes it with care and professionalism. He is not there under someone else's orders. He's his own boss. He's the boss.

I walk the line

In the middle of these works sits a large poster where one can read: "I am an old red-skinned man who will never walk in an Indian file". The sentence is signed. Achille Chavée. I burst out laughing: freedom and Belgian surrealism in all their power.

The King of TAM-TAM

Ndingi Vunda repaired the drum. After 3 days, no news of the unknown. He waited five days, two weeks, a month. The man never came back. Ndingi Vunda continued to make tables, but each time he looked at the tom-tom stored in a corner of his studio, he felt an inexplicable attraction. Overwhelming heat, growing fire.

The crossroads of transparent men

He enters the apartment, crosses the corridor, emerges in a room without furniture, approaches the stranger who seems not to care about the presence of a stranger and looks at what the woman observes through the glass. Down the street, he sees Jan staring at the window. Jan observes Jan. One of the two has become transparent.

The tunnel

At the age of 11, Fernando became an apprentice shoemaker, a somewhat ironic activity, since he did not have shoes and he was still walking barefoot. It is perhaps this irony which inspired him the desire to leave to seek fortune elsewhere. His friend António, for his part, had become a professional tunnel designer.

The weak heart

My husband ended up opening a small art gallery, the first devoted to African painting in Belgium. He didn't know anything about art, but his heart loved it. Art soothed his heart. The colors did him good. Beauty was good for him.

The dream fulfilled

Drogo had decided to become a history teacher because he believed that teaching this social science made people more aware and thus freer. For him, freedom was a value to live in the present, a daily struggle, so that we could keep it in the future.

Helder Wasterlain

Photos taken during the texts recording:

 Jan Debski


Sarah Hennecart

Digital release on the 3rd of July 2020.

Track listing:

1: Le carrefour des hommes transparents (feat. Kiù)
2: I Walk the Line (feat. Sarah Hennecart, Pierre Spataro)
3: Le dealer (feat. Gilles Van Bunnen, Benjamin Ramos)
4: Le roi du tam-tam (feat. Shabaaz Mystik, Marc Derbaix)
5: Le tunnel (feat. Jan Debski, Rexhep Dany, Sébastiens Stroobans)
6: Un cœur faible (feat. Pascale Weinberg, Shabaaz Mystik)
7: Un rêve accompli (feat. Didier Daras, Thomas Stadnicki)

And on Bandcamp: