Friday 27 October 2023

OVD075 : Pierre Vervloesem / Dark Matter 5 - Dark Matter 6


Cover art by A.L.

OVD075 : Pierre Vervloesem / Dark Matter 5 Dark Matter 6 

Pierre says:

"The third and final album about dark matter. We don't know more. 
A big thank you to all the scientists of this expedition. 
Dark Matter 6 is dedicated to Bill Laswell. 
Thanks everybody (involved) !"

Bruno Vansina : soprano sax 
Jan Kuiken : cello 
Thomas Mayade : trumpets 
Elie Gouleme : drums 
Pierre Vervloesem : guitar, bass, vocals, keys, mix and mastering
Jean-Pierre Jonckheere : technical stuffs with the drums and all 
Olivier Godefroid: thanks for the drums 
Bernard Moucheron: thanks for the place 

Digital release on the 27th of October 2023.

Track listing:

1: Dark Matter 5
2: Dark Matter 6

Itunes, Spotify, etc.:

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Friday 20 October 2023

OUI012 : DYW / Futurejazz


Cover art by Efim Strand and Liza Baryshova

OUI012  : DYV / Futurejazz

Somewhere in the Middle East a young man lived. His name was Nafas Ormazd if anything. Nafas loved everything about music. He had a huge collection of vinyl. Some of them were so rare that no one else knew of their existence. 

One day Nafas decided to go to Kabul. Sharakul Babah and Gatol , two friends, lived there. So they went to the Sunday market to find the new and rare vinyl there if anything. After 4 hours and 33 minutes of searching without any result Nafas noticed the old man (Jah Bless Him if anything). He was selling really old and antique stuff. But all the attention of young men was riveted on the vinyl, which they had never seen before. 

An old man said: "This is DYW. They play futurejazz, the music which will be listened to in the year of 3020 if anything. Buy a copy now or you'll regret till death". Nafas bought the vinyl and the old man suddenly disappeared leaving no trace. That's how this record is here if anything.

DYW are:

Yakov Nasedkin - sax, electronics
Daniel Izmaylov - bass, electronics
Vladimir Smirnov - drums

Recorded at The Center of Drama and Directing 8th February 2020.
Recorded by Peter Ototsky 
Mixed and mastered by Alexey Sysoev
Produced by Peter Ototsky and Daniel Izmaylov

Published by DYW and White Paper Records

Digital release on the 20th of October 2023.

Track listing:

1: Intro
2: Transmission
3: Futurejazz I
4: Triptych
5: Futurejazz II

Itunes, Spotify, etc.:

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Saturday 14 October 2023

OUI018 : Pulse Convention / Simultaneous Spontaneity + At the Gate


OUI018 : Pulse Convention / Simultaneous Spontaneity + At the Gate

A special 2 albums in one from Japanese Space jazz/ contemporary quartet Pulse Convention!

Simultaneous Spontaneity:

In 2006 Wataru IWATA (Piano and Fender Rhodes) started his project Pulse Convention with UEZI on drums before becoming a full band with the addiction of Hiroshi NAKAMURA (Saxophone) and Noboru ANDO (Contrabass) in the late 2007. IWATA named and formed the band with the aim to express and show the generative reaction of each player to the surrounding atmosphere and that particular moment where they interact not only to the music but to the space of the notes filled in order to create a specific sound moment after moment. After a number of live events, concerts in clubs and bars, they stopped playing together in the end of 2008. Finally Pulse Convention was revived in the fall of 2018. 

This album captures that fresh moment of their reunion in a studio where they just improvised for a few hours. Here you have 9 tracks which travel between atmospheric contemporary jazz without having one member trying to be in front of the others. A real unity and pleasure transpires through the whole album as they never stopped playing together.

At the Gate:

Pulse Convention reunited for this live concert at Tokyo Shibuya The Gate on the 1st of November 2019. All the tracks were improvised and show as always their typical cinematic atmospheric sound. Powerful at times or quiet at others, mixing contemporary electric keyboards, electronics effects on saxes while the rhythmic duo of contrabass and drums adding the spices of natural jazz, 'At the Gate' captives this moment where the band is playing like coming out of a single brain...Plain magic! Enjoy!

Bandcamp Only:

Friday 13 October 2023

OMT014-OUW019 : Shabaaz Mystik / Find The River


Cover art by Antoine Richard

OMT014-OUW019 : Shabaaz Mystik / Find The River

The new album 'Find The River' from Shabaaz Mystik is a journey trough his poesy and music on his path to find more soul in this world, being his own or yours.

He has striped his songs to the minimum, trying to find the roots from his native Congo Brazzaville, adding his signature sanza, some percussions, field recordings and the beautiful trumpet from Japanese maestro Tetsuroh Konishi.

An introspective album where Shabaaz tells you about his life, love and search for peace. Just beautiful (even if you don't speak French)!

From Shabaaz own words:

"Find The River...

The river as a source
Of life, path of peace, universal place.
Its song is an ode to serenity.
The album invites everyone to find their river,
Throughout this atypical album with refined sounds,
To the resonance of a sanza, soul poetry and jazzy trumpet,
A reflection of each moment, a letting go,
Journey to other sound waves.
Search for balance
Between inside and outside.
an awakening of consciousness,
A journey to the confines of hearts.
Its a story
Which is told in music.
A meeting place
Where the vibration of the djimi merges,
Poetry, storytelling, the power of speech and verb.
The sanza instrument speaks with the trumpet
The breath that arises from these two universes
Takes us into the song of the forest, into the dawn of nature.
Find The river
Is also the story of the meeting of two artists:
Shabaaz mystik and Japanese trumpeter Tesuroh Konishi.
Poetry and sanza rub shoulders there.
A poetry that reveals us
This River that we had to find within ourselves...
A river we had to see around us.
Find The River
Is a trace on the river of flowing time.
It's a lived trace, a moment that the dust
and the frailties of time cannot erase."

In French:

"Find the river..

La rivière comme source
De vie, chemin de paix, lieu universel. 
Son chant est une ode à la sérénité. 
L'album invite chacun à trouver sa rivière, 
Au long de cet album atypique aux sonorités épurées,
À la résonance sanza, soul poésie et trompette jazzy,
Une réflexion de chaque instant, un lâcher prise,
Voyage vers d'autres effluves sonores.
Recherche d'équilibre
Entre le dedans et l'extérieur. 
Un éveil de conscience, 
Un voyage aux confins des cœurs. 
C'est une histoire 
Qui se raconte en musique.
Un lieu de rencontre
Où fusionne la vibration du djimi,
La poésie, le conte, la force de la parole et du verbe.
L'instrument sanza parle avec la trompette
Le souffle qui nait de ces deux univers
Nous emmène dans le chant de la foret, dans l'aube de la nature.
Find The river  
Est aussi l'histoire de la rencontre de deux artistes :
Shabaaz mystik et le trompettiste Japonais Tesuroh Konishi.
S'y côtoient poésie et sanza.
Une poésie qui nous révèle
Cette Rivière que nous devions trouver en nous-mêmes...
Une rivière que nous devions voir autour de nous.
Find The River 
Est une trace sur la rivière du temps qui s'écoule.
C'est une trace vécue, un moment que la poussière
et les faiblesses du temps ne pourront effacer."

Ifoulanga - Le Papillon:


Shabaaz Mystik: Words, composition, sanza, percussions, voice
Tetsuroh Konishi: trumpet featuring, piano, composition on 5/7/11

Recording and mix: Léa Couderc at Home made studio
Trumpet recording: Tetsuroh Konishi at his home
Mastering by Pierre Vervloesem
Cover by Antoine Richard

Digital release on the 13th of October 2023.

Track Listing:

1: Soul Medicine (feat. Tetsuroh Konishi)
2: Là-bas
3: Find The River (feat. Tetsuroh Konishi)
4: Aube Sanzalisation (feat. Tetsuroh Konishi)
5: Ifoulanga
6: Aux Cris des Hommes (feat. Tetsuroh Konishi) - Roots version
7: Nina (feat. Tetsuroh Konishi)
8: She's reading her book at the lagoon (feat. Tetsuroh Konishi)
9: Nos Légendes (feat. Tetsuroh Konishi)
10: Jazz Lingot (feat. Tetsuroh Konishi) - Roots version
11: Chants d'Oiseaux (feat. Tetsuroh Konishi)

Itunes, Spotify, etc.:

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Friday 6 October 2023

ODG176 : Various Artists / Apoptose 2


Cover art by A.L.

ODG176 : Various Artists / Apoptose 2

Apoptose or Apoptosis in English is a genetically directed process of cell self-destruction that is marked by the fragmentation of nuclear DNA.

See Apoptose 1 for all the details.

Musicians involved in Apoptose 2 are:

Lark Wool: Lark Wool aka Jack Ison's music is maybe a reminder of many atmospheric / cinematic genres but his approach of building track is one of his own which succeeds in beautiful and orgasmic albums! (see also ODG033).

Tetsuroh Konishi: Tetsuroh Konishi is one of the leading Japanese trumpet player/composer/improviser. See all his album on Off here.
He has composed music for dance performances in Canada, USA, Korea, as well as in Japan. These compositions won him very high critic reviews in the media. He has composed music for NHK TV and Radio programs and more recently had some of his music on the latest Mika Kaurismäki movie. He is based in Tokyo. Bandcamp:

Wataru Iwata: Wataru IWATA is a Japanese composer/Artist/ Director received a classical piano training since the age of 5. Engaged in TV advertising song production from the age of 6. Started to compose with a multi-track recorder at the age of 9. He also learned Jazz theory at the age of 15. 
He spent youth in Boston and NY city and received a shudder from Free Jazz. He studied a painting and art production under Japanese painter, Atsushi Sugimura while he was working as an assistant in NY. After returning to Japan, he has organized painting exhibitions and art installations, performance group to perform, composed music for both commercial and non- commercial, produced multimedia materials, performed Piano trios, quartet, and lecturers at technical school. 
Currently, in addition to the piano performance, he also develops a wide range of creative, performances and produces activities in the fields of contemporary, electronic music and media arts. Besides, as a director, he has been actively engaged in transdisciplinary activities such as planning of classical music concerts, writing articles to a science and Literary magazines, planning, and holding of an international scientific symposium, and curating art exhibitions. See all his album on Off here +

Digital release on the 6th of Octoberer 2023.

Track listing:

1: Apoptose 2 - Lark Wool
2: Apoptose 2 - Alinovsky - Drums 2 version
3: Apoptose 2 - Tetsuroh Konishi
4: Apoptose 2 - Wataru Iwata
5: Apoptose 2 - Alinovsky - Final fragmentation

Itunes, Spotify, etc.:

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