Thursday 14 September 2017

ODG074 : The Paul Swest : Sports Car Illusions

Covert art by Charles Chace

ODG074 : The Paul Swest : Sports Car Illusions

Charles Chace is an artist and musician from Massachusetts who has exhibited in galleries in New York City, Miami and North Carolina. 
His recent works consist of a multimedia installation that included paper collage, video, and manipulatable noise machines. 
Other recent work includes a series of portrait paintings that Dave Bazan used for record covers. 
He also has an ongoing avant-garde musical project under the moniker The Paul Swest. Using multi-track recording he bounces between instruments, constructing layered improvisations that range from free form splatter to surf-jazz, from Derek Bailey to post-rock.

If you are ready to surf on all those genres, this is an album that will open your brain to  ecstasy! 

Charles Chace

Recorded at Beep Wave Studio.
Recorded by Brian Paulson.
Mastered by Yuuki Matthews.

Digital release on the 15th of September 2017.

Track listing:

1: Slandered
2: Silver Fang Alert
3: Glacier
4: Wanna Dance
5: Climate Refinement

And on Bandcamp:

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