Friday, 14 February 2025

ODG208 : Les Boucles Absurdes / J'entends le sable murmurer


Cover art by Jean-Pierre Jonckheere and A.L.

ODG208 : Les Boucles Absurdes / J'entends le sable murmurer 

'J'entends le sable murmurer' was originally a track from the previous Les Boucles Absurdes album 'L'homme qu'on oubliait vite' released in 2023 (see ODG175). 

Jean-Pierre went then to ask some of his most favorite musicians on Off to do a rework of the piece with total freedom. 

Here is now 6 completely different interpretations of the track. Enjoy!

Digital release on the 14th of February 2025

Track listing:

1: Pierre Vervloesem 
2: Wataru Iwata 
3: Ruben Van Rompaey 
4: Alinovsky 
5: Tetsuroh Konishi 
6: Bruno Vansina

Itunes, Spotify, etc.:

And on Bandcamp:

Friday, 7 February 2025

ODG207 : Floy Krouchi / Below sea level


ODG207 : Floy Krouchi / Below sea level

Floy Krouchi (see also OCD047OCD052 and ODG159) gives us again her subtle mix of her fragile and inventive bass playing  over an electronic background / drones.

It's a musical introspective work dedicated to to the people that lost their lives, their homes, or their black and white family photography generations of black people scattered with no title of property.

’Below Sea Level’ is a sonore road movie drifting from interior landscapes which retraces in 11 abstract, experimental and minimal tracks the encounter of musician Floy Krouchi, bassist and electroacoustic composer, with New Orleans: its geography, its history — delta from Mississippi, “Wetlands”, “Second Lines” — and his poetic imagination.
This album is, as is often the case with Floy Krouchi (Bass Holograms Ensemble 2016, Vibrant Continuum 2020, and FKBass Solo 2022), an exploration of the fretless electric bass exploited in all its potential, accompanied by some field recordings.
It was conceived, composed and recorded during a residency in Studio B at Piety Street Studio, and mixed by Mark Bingham.

Initially released in 2015 on CD on the Magnetic Deer label 'Below Sea Level’ is re released ten years later on Off.
You can order the cd directly from Floy. Just write her an email here:

Digital release on the 7th of February.

Track listing:

1: In D
2: Interior Bass
3: Imaginary train
4: Flood 2
5: Lost homes
6: Second line
7: Old B&W negatives
8: Wetland
9: Firecraks
10: Flood

Itunes, Spotify, etc.:

And on Bandcamp:

Friday, 31 January 2025

ODG206 : Fabio Keiner / Solve et Coagula


Cover art by A.L.

ODG206: Fabio Keiner / Solve et Coagula

'SOLVE ET COAGULA is a sonic attempt in ambient/drone/noisescapes to interprete the search for the famous 'philosophers stone' by ancient alchemists - 7  tracks corresponfing to the 7 stages of creating it by esoteric alchemical methods and rituals. it is said, that the philosophers' stone once achieved would have the quality to put transform every metal into pure gold providing also limitless wisdom, knowledge and moral superiority to every person touched with it. although the world is still waiting for being produced that miracle - let's indulge in a sonic experience to imagine it.'

'Fabio Keiner is an austrian sound artist living in vienna. wrangling and mangling sounds and frequencies of the most diverse nature (from windharp to overtone throat singing, generative piano pieces and - mostly - ambient drone soundscapes) for almost 20 years now, he has released his albums on various netlabels in the net (Aural Films, Slithering Black, Petroglyph, to name a few) over the last years. for some listening experience, take a look at his bandcamp-site, please::

Digital release on the 31st of January 2024.

Track listing:

1: Solutio
2: Putrefactio
3: Distillatio
4: Sublimatio
5: Coagulatio
6: Fixatio
7: Lapidificatio

Itunes, Spotify, etc.:

And on Bandcamp:

Friday, 24 January 2025

ODG203 : Mycelium / Petrichor and twigs


Cover art by Nicolas Marchant

ODG203: Mycelium / Petrichor and twigs

Second album from this Belgian rio, one more time exploring the interactions between acoustic and electronic instruments. Mycelium is a perfect band name for their non stop organic and interlaced music which one more time will take you in another dimension. Enjoy!

Aurore Leloup : Guitar, pedals
Nicolas Marchant : Electronic, processing
Lydie Thonnard : Flutes, vocals

Digital release on the 24th of January 2024.

Track listing:

1: First rain
2: Compartiment 112
3: Les pieds nus
4: Underground activity
5: Wind swirling in the well
6: Rampants
7: Lepidoptera
8: Back to the sea 

Itunes, Spotify, etc.:

And on Bandcamp:

Friday, 17 January 2025

ODG205-OUW022 : John Americus Witt / Orbiter Dictum

Cover art by Silas Plum

ODG205: John Americus Witt / Orbiter Dictum

The formidable John returns with yet another musical exploration.

As he says: Have a listen!

"Obiter Dictum.  Latin.  Means “Other Things Said” 0r “Said In Passing”.  The songs speak for themselves.  The whole concept, really.  Small bits of thoughtless writing from about a decade ago.  Different artificial voices for different vibes.  It’s got some weight to it.  Not because anything is particularly insightful or intelligent, but because it is by its very nature the truth.  What I thought for a few minutes years and years ago, with no editing or self-protection.  The last song is newer, but it also is a passing thought.  No edits, just a simple chord progression and a poem.  Also the only time my actual voice is on the album.  Have a listen."

Digital release on the 17th of January 2025.

Track listing:

1: Intro – Electricity And Meat
2: A Sermon In Thunder
3: The Futility Of Measure
4: Reservations At Dorsia
5: Zenji’s Theory
6: Tabula Rasa
7: Swimming To A Distant Shore
8: A Scientific Examination Of Neurochemical Interplay Before Being Devoured By Birds
9: The Universe Shrugs
10: Outro – A Song About Death

Itunes, Spotify, etc.:

And on Bandcamp:

Friday, 10 January 2025

ODG204 : Mathieu Babinot / Fractured Light


Cover art by Mathieu Babinot

ODG204: Mathieu Babinot / Fractured Light

A new album from Mathieu is always a new transition in his way to compose electronic music. This time he goes with a bit more rhythms and a bit less ambient.

What he says about his new project:

"It revolves around forgetting, the transformation of one's reality, the pieces are changing, they pass from one atmosphere to another like memories that become blurred."

Digital release on the 10th of January 2025.

Track listing:

1: Piece of Memories
2: Different Fragments of Me
3: Blurry Shaped
4: A Million Faces without Name
5: Black Hole

Itunes, Spotify,etc.:

And on Bandcamp: