Friday 10 May 2024

ODG189 : John Americus Witt / Shouganai


Cover art by Silas Plum

ODG189: John Americus Witt / Shouganai

A new album by John Americus (see also  ODG115OUC026OUC033, OUC034OUC036 and ODG169) is always a thrill and an adventure.  
So here we go with his new concept:

John says:

"Shouganai is Japanese.  
The quick meaning is a gentle acceptance of things you can’t change.  Usually bad things.  
One doesn’t usually have to try hard to accept the good. There is some small cold peace here though. The whole Sisyphean thing. You wake up.  Your house is on fire. You race outside and quietly watch it burn.  Shouganai.  
Rough fucking year, folks.
The titles have an internal thematic connection.  Figure it out if you’re curious, or just ask.  I’m easy enough to get to."
So you know what you have to do!''

Digital release on the 10th of May 2024.

Track listing:

1: January - Fire Pushing Outwards Against Its Own Gravity
2: February - Gravity Swallows Light
3: March - The Pessimist Fears This Is True
4: April - A Manifestation Of Vanity
5: May - Two Scorpions In A Bottle
6: June - Our Earthly Privation And Its Earthly Horror
7: July - The Physicists Have Known Sin
8: August - The Destroyer Of Worlds
9: September - A Profound And Necessary Truth
10: October - Certainly Something Novel
11: November - Cruel And Bitter Things
12: December - A Peace Mankind Has Never Seen

Itunes, Spotify, etc.:

And on Bandcamp:

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