Friday, 14 February 2025

ODG208 : Les Boucles Absurdes / J'entends le sable murmurer


Cover art by Jean-Pierre Jonckheere and A.L.

ODG208 : Les Boucles Absurdes / J'entends le sable murmurer 

'J'entends le sable murmurer' was originally a track from the previous Les Boucles Absurdes album 'L'homme qu'on oubliait vite' released in 2023 (see ODG175). 

Jean-Pierre went then to ask some of his most favorite musicians on Off to do a rework of the piece with total freedom. 

Here is now 6 completely different interpretations of the track. Enjoy!

Digital release on the 14th of February 2025

Track listing:

1: Pierre Vervloesem 
2: Wataru Iwata 
3: Ruben Van Rompaey 
4: Alinovsky 
5: Tetsuroh Konishi 
6: Bruno Vansina

Itunes, Spotify, etc.:

And on Bandcamp:

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