Friday, 17 January 2025

ODG205-OUW022 : John Americus Witt / Orbiter Dictum

Cover art by Silas Plum

ODG205: John Americus Witt / Orbiter Dictum

The formidable John returns with yet another musical exploration.

As he says: Have a listen!

"Obiter Dictum.  Latin.  Means “Other Things Said” 0r “Said In Passing”.  The songs speak for themselves.  The whole concept, really.  Small bits of thoughtless writing from about a decade ago.  Different artificial voices for different vibes.  It’s got some weight to it.  Not because anything is particularly insightful or intelligent, but because it is by its very nature the truth.  What I thought for a few minutes years and years ago, with no editing or self-protection.  The last song is newer, but it also is a passing thought.  No edits, just a simple chord progression and a poem.  Also the only time my actual voice is on the album.  Have a listen."

Digital release on the 17th of January 2025.

Track listing:

1: Intro – Electricity And Meat
2: A Sermon In Thunder
3: The Futility Of Measure
4: Reservations At Dorsia
5: Zenji’s Theory
6: Tabula Rasa
7: Swimming To A Distant Shore
8: A Scientific Examination Of Neurochemical Interplay Before Being Devoured By Birds
9: The Universe Shrugs
10: Outro – A Song About Death

Itunes, Spotify, etc.:

And on Bandcamp:

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