Friday, 31 January 2025

ODG206 : Fabio Keiner / Solve et Coagula


Cover art by A.L.

ODG206: Fabio Keiner / Solve et Coagula

'SOLVE ET COAGULA is a sonic attempt in ambient/drone/noisescapes to interprete the search for the famous 'philosophers stone' by ancient alchemists - 7  tracks corresponfing to the 7 stages of creating it by esoteric alchemical methods and rituals. it is said, that the philosophers' stone once achieved would have the quality to put transform every metal into pure gold providing also limitless wisdom, knowledge and moral superiority to every person touched with it. although the world is still waiting for being produced that miracle - let's indulge in a sonic experience to imagine it.'

'Fabio Keiner is an austrian sound artist living in vienna. wrangling and mangling sounds and frequencies of the most diverse nature (from windharp to overtone throat singing, generative piano pieces and - mostly - ambient drone soundscapes) for almost 20 years now, he has released his albums on various netlabels in the net (Aural Films, Slithering Black, Petroglyph, to name a few) over the last years. for some listening experience, take a look at his bandcamp-site, please::

Digital release on the 31st of January 2024.

Track listing:

1: Solutio
2: Putrefactio
3: Distillatio
4: Sublimatio
5: Coagulatio
6: Fixatio
7: Lapidificatio

Itunes, Spotify, etc.:

And on Bandcamp:

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