Thursday 6 July 2017

OUC005 / John Franek / I Have Not Seen as Others Saw

Art cover by John Franek

OUC005 / John Franek / I Have Not Seen as Others Saw

Another album by prolific American composer and performer John Franek (website) (see also ODG063 and OUC002).

Third release on Off  'I Have Not Seen as Others Saw' music is a radical change from his usual contemporary classical pieces for solo piano or orchestra. 
If anything more than the powerful images the album shares in the two first tracks wall of sounds and then what seems to be a subtle clavecin track which starts gently to finally finishing the album with the same intensity than the previous pieces, it shows the darkest side of his electronic compositions and composing in general. 

Digital release on the 7th of July 2017.

Track listing:

1: As Others Saw
2: As Others Where
3: I Loved Alone

And on Bandcamp:

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